Profile PictureVictoria Kurichenko

12-Month Content Writing Plan

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12-Month Content Writing Plan


Many companies (even established ones) don’t take content creation seriously.

They decide what to post on their blog one month in advance (it’s not the worst scenario) and then start writing.

They want to drive customers from organic search results but often publish non-optimized content pieces with close to zero business value.

It’s good for branding. We want to show who runs the business behind the scenes. We don’t have the capacity to work on these pieces now. Priorities, priorities, and priorities.” — That’s what people say, justifying their actions.

As an SEO specialist, I worked at several B2B and SaaS companies where I’ve experienced these issues.

Indeed, some tasks are more critical than others in the short perspective.

However, SEO is about a long-term perspective. Always.

Knowing the challenges of many companies from the inside out, I developed the following product that will (hopefully) make your content creation efforts much easier.

Who needs a content writing plan?

  • Niche website owners who want to grow organic traffic.
  • Content creators with personal sites who want to build a sustainable traffic generation channel, acquire potential customers and sell their offers.
  • SaaS companies that want to acquire potential customers from organic search results.
  • B2B companies that want to drive leads from organic search results.

Why have a ready content writing plan for 12 months

  • No wonder, and no missed deadlines. You know exactly what content you should create for your site and prepare the required resources in advance.
  • No time and money wasted on content production that won't bring results.
  • You focus on topics that will help you achieve your business goals, whether it is lead generation, sales, or traffic growth.

Why work with me

I am an SEO writing specialist who helps businesses and content creators write high-performing content and attract potential customers through organic search results.

In the past four years, I've developed a smart keyword research process that helps me discover low-competition keywords with decent search volumes and business potential.

I've helped 3+ established companies grow their businesses by focusing on keywords with low competition, decent search volumes, and business potential.

Here is what we achieved by working together:

SaaS company

Ranking 3rd for the target keyword, 2,800+ organic visitors in 4 months without link building

B2B company

Ranking in the top 5 positions on Google for 113+ lead-generating keywords

In 2021, I conducted keyword research and created an optimized content piece that helped the company reach the top results in the Google search for the "UX agency" keyword and related keywords.

My website

I grew my website from 0 to 4,000+ visitors per month and 3-figure monthly revenue in one year as a result of following a content writing plan

What clients say

Here is the excerpt of the content writing plan I follow to grow my website.

Link to the excel sheet with a table.

Example of the content writing plan I created for my website

Want similar results for your site?

Here is what you get if you work with me:

  • 12-month content writing plan with topics exclusively tailored to the business needs of your website. I will send it to your email upon completion.
  • 1-hour consultation where we discuss your business goals, your current SEO strategy, and how you can implement the content writing plan for your website.
  • Continuous collaboration via emails or Slack during the partnership, where I share the progress with you and ask your questions.

The content plan covers the following:

  • 48-50 topics with business potential you can focus on right away, divided into 12 months.
  • Keyword difficulty to see how difficult it will be to rank on the first Google result page on a scale from 0 to 100.
  • Global volume to see how many people search for this particular topic per month worldwide.
  • Volume in your target country to know how many people search for your topic in your target location.
  • Format to know what type of content you should create that aligns with the search intent.
  • Business value to know how a particular content piece can help you achieve your goals.

The content writing plan is developed to help you answer one question — What content should I produce to achieve my business goals?”

After all, your website traffic is nothing if it does not help you gain customers and make sales.

Words have power if you approach the content creation process strategically.

Wondering if it will work for you?

Unsure if you need a content writing plan and how your online business can benefit from strategic content writing?

Share your website and the current challenges through this form for free.👇

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I'll get back to you within a few days with the response on if and how you can implement the content writing plan.

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12-month content writing plan with topics exclusively tailored to the business needs of your website & 1-hour consultation with an SEO expert on your site strategy.

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